Graduation from Yıldız Technical Univercity and starting to work as a Project engineer in automotive sector.
Graduation from Yıldız Technical Univercity and starting to work as a Project engineer in automotive sector.
First application of European Certificate Confirmation tests within Pusula Co. Ltd. and obtaining …. Serie Alteration Certificates.
Establishment of Teknova Engineering Co. Ltd. within ULUTEK Research & Development Organisation.
Preparation of a Low-entry city bus alteration Project from a high-floor city bus at Selme Otomotiv Co. Ltd. first and stil the last in Turkiye.
Preparation of Handicapted Service Bus prototype at Liftsa Co. as first in Turkiye and obtaining the needed serie alteration certificates.
Spreading handicapted transportation projects among Turkiye. Moving the office facilities from Ulutek R&D Center to Tuğcular Office Building, our own premise.
Preparation of 2+1 VIP Coach conversion prototypes in Turkiye at Vedat Türk Formenler Carroserie Co.
Purchase of our second premises at Tuğcular Office Building.
Preparation of our web page.
Our company was founded in 2009 as an engineering company to provide services to small – mid size companies in government funded R&D projects as well as certifications of individual and serie alterations and consulting.
Our company was founded in 2009 to obtain serie alteration certifications for companies as well as government funded insentive packages for R&D projects. Our company is known to be one of the first in its sector.
Our first office was opened with presentation of a R&D project in ULUTEK Technology Center of Uludağ University. Thereinafter, we moved our office to our lately purchased premises.
“We were always the first in Turkiye with our projects.”
Our company was at providing engineering and consulting services to company in preparation of test vehicles, pass through tests and obtained serie alteration certificates accordance with directives of vehicle alterations.
Our company was again the very first in obtaining serie alteration certificate for the low-entry city bus project with handicapt feature on BMC brand M3 class city bus.
To be the pioneer in Turkiye as a sector leader and increasing the value of our trademark to be a worldwide company.
To provide rapid, high quality and economic servives to our clients by using latest techonologies so we can increase the level of customer satisfaction.